Who we are

We (Fineman Technologies Proprietor) are fairly new startup and have built a marketplace for Vedic astrologers, Tarot readers, Numerologists, Vastu experts and more. We are lead by a team of motivated techies along with supervision of a highly experienced Astrologer.

What we do

Astroshade.com gives a lean platform to astrologers to enable them and provide their expert consultation to users on a single platform and helps them connect with users 24*7. We do not believe in buling our system with plethora of services where customer could get lost. Our system is based on a mission to keep the customer experience lean and simple.


Our mission is to help customer get their problem / queries resolved by the astrologers through a lean platform, free from extra services like Match Making, Kundli reading etc. We just want to help our customers and give 100% value against what they pay for.

How we onboard Astrologers

We have a strict policy to do a background check for any Astrologer we get onboard. While there are many platforms our their that onboard Astrologers without any background check, we are trying to do things in a better way and connect customers with skilled Astrologers.